What percentage of candidates hold a NetSuite certification?
No Data Found
81% of those with certifications believe that they make you more marketable.
Top NetSuite certifications held by candidates
The Data is Not Available
Do NetSuite certifications help candidates stand out in a competitive job market?
Not sure
Why do you believe that certifications make candidates more valuable within the market?
Reasons for believing that certifications make candidates more marketable include:
- Certifications can expose you to areas of NetSuite you don’t use in your day-to-day role
- Some employers prefer candidates with certifications
- It’s an easy way to demonstrate your knowledge
- Certifications are evidence of a willingness to learn about NetSuite
- They are proof of a baseline competency with the platform
Why don’t you believe that certifications make professionals more appealing to employers?
- Technical experience with NetSuite is more important
- Certification only measures your ability to take a test
- I have no certifications and still get work
- Certifications aren’t evidence that the candidate has enough experience of NetSuite
Do NetSuite certifications help candidates stand out in a competitive job market?
No Data Found
What percentage of candidates hold a NetSuite certification?
I believe my salary has increased since gaining a certification
I haven’t noticed a change in my salary since gaining a certification
Those that reported earning a salary increase post-certification received an average raise of 25%.
No Data Found
No Data Found
Those that reported earning a salary increase post-certification received an average raise of 25%.
About this report
This report is based on over 30,000 data points, including self-reported survey information from NetSuite professionals worldwide between April and August 2022. Respondents span several of industries, come from a diverse range of personal and professional backgrounds, and cover a mix of professionals and hiring managers.
We’ve validated every survey response using robust statistical analysis and automated data validation rules to be included in the final results. Any data that didn’t pass our validation rules and statistical analysis or were deemed questionable, incomplete, or duplicate, were removed so that the results published are meaningful and accurate.
The following should be taken into account when interpreting the data in this report:
- Not all percentages will add up to 100%, as some questions are multiple choice
- Where questions are single choice, not all responses will total 100% due to rounding
- Findings based on small numbers (i.e., under 5%) should be interpreted with caution, with results taken as indicative only
- For questions that required a qualitative (open) response, there may be some overlap in the quotes used to identify the themes, with quotes illustrating more than one theme
- Themes identified when grouping qualitative responses are displayed in no particular order of importance
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